A friend of mine over at Four Plus an Angel posted a sweet mom-confessions post.
And from there I found a blog I had never read before. I love her honesty. That she says the things that we are probably thinking, but may not want to admit...
All work and no play makes mommy go something something
My confessions?...
I may have been known to, in times of mommy-fatigue:
Let my toddler eat crackers that had just been put into the trash, because he could reach them, and he was eating and needed the calories. (yes, this is save for posterity in a picture...)
Drive away from the house, reaching the end of our street before looking back to make sure I had remembered all the kids...
Buckle my babies' bucket style carseats into the van, only to find out about half a mile down the road that one of them was not clicked in properly as his carseat fell out of the base when I hit the brakes. (thank goodness my quick-thinking daughter caught him!)...
To thank God on some days that I worked outside of the home, because at work there are no kids telling me every five seconds to "mom, look at this!"...
Convince the kids that cereal for dinner is really a fun thing to do because I just didn't have the energy to cook...
But the biggest one: and this was a combined effort of my whole family:
I leave for work at 4am, on this day my husband left for a meeting at 6am, and around the same time my older son and daughter left for their days' activities. None of them remember who left first, but at about 7:30 am I got a frantic call at work from my (then) 6 year old children... "mommy, we're home alone and scared." Yep! I raced home from work, my son raced home from where he was. We got home at about the same time... The kids were fine, and had gotten their own breakfast, but were happy to see us, and wondered why we had all left them home alone...
© erikalandon 2012
Ooh I love your honesty!! I can think of a bazillion things that have happened on account of just being overly exhausted...like this one time when I fell asleep and my toddler wandered off and found a jar of butt paste...you know the white butt paste?
Oh and the time I needed just one extra wink of sleep and I woke up to him yelling at me from the yard. He was in 3 feet of snow...in PJ's...
I think I should win some sort of Mother of the Year award ;)
Oh the things that we hope nobody ever finds out about, huh?
I love sharing these stories! It reminds us all that, even with the best intentions, we are never perfect!
Thanks for stopping in!
Thanks for sharing. I've been known to drive away without a carseat being settled in correctly or the child all the way buckled in and yanno baby aquafor? I needed a break so told the 3 year old she could put some on her legs...she included her hair and every square inch she could reach...just before company came over to see the new baby...
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