
He ate the fish!! He ate the fish!!

This morning I awoke to check out the 'Toe Biter' and found that it had, indeed, killed the goldfish overnight and was attached to it and eating it...

So the kids got to see it happening!

I'm going to call the zoo, see if they want it for their insect zoo, I don't think I should set it free in this area, since it seem sto habitate in the Olympic Penninsula and that's a ways from us. Don't wanna just let it die, but don't wanna keep it forever, either...

© erikalandon2010

1 comment:

elteescat said...

Hello, I just happened to stumble across your blog. I think it's awesome the way you're keeping the memory of the departed triplet so strong in your family. It's great that the surviving two will always know they have another brother in Heaven. I once knew this family who never bothered to tell their daughter that she has a brother. They kept his picture on their dresser in the master bedroom, but never told the surviving daughter who he was.