
18 years ago today I was still just a "baby"... and as I held my newborn son for the first time i looked into those bright blue eyes and felt such an overwhelming love for that squirming chubby little bundle in my arms. His life held such promise. i was so amazed at the miracle of the healthy baby that had blessed my life.

I worried from the start. Not of how I would support and raise this baby when I myself was still not yet a legal adult. I knew i would do it. I worried about how well i would be able to nuture his life and spirit in the next 18 years.

Today. 18 years later, that squirming bundle of joy stands 6 inches taller than i. he has learned many good and many bad things about this world. This world that is now his.

That's today. Matt, this is YOUR world now. make of it what YOU want. It can be fabulous!

Happy Birthday. My little boy. I love you so much!

Matt's birthday present... And thank you, Matt, for waiting until you were 18 to get your first tattoo!

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